"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." ~Matthew 5:16 (ESV)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome to My Newest Blog

Last year I started a blog to keep my family and friends up-to-date on my life abroad, and to assist others who were planning to do as I had done and live abroad. My blog has gained a vast readership, which I find both surprising and delightful. Over the past few weeks, I have pondered starting a second blog, and finally, I decided to go ahead and do it.

The purpose of this new blog is to interact with and hopefully benefit other Christians, or anyone interested in learning more about the Christian life. It has occurred to me that living abroad and teaching have both given me unique perspectives, and I think that I should share those perspectives for the benefit and interest of others. I think that God gives each Christian special insights, which they should share with others (share, not force down the throat of). I don't profess to be perfect or to be any sort of pastor, but I think some of what I have learned and experienced could be of help to someone else. I also know that I would greatly benefit from interaction with other Christians.

Many who are reading this blog are already familiar with me through my main blog, but for those who are not, allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Stephanie. I am 24 years old, single, and saved. I was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, but I am currently living in South Korea, where I am an English teacher. I love to travel, so this nomadic lifestyle suits me beautifully. I also love children, so my job is a treat. I was saved at the age of fifteen, and I've been loving God and life ever since. I have a pretty powerful testimony, which I will be posting about later. For now, let me just say, my past was ugly, but thanks to God, my present and future are beautiful.

I look forward to continuing this blog and hopefully, to meeting other Christians through it. Please, please feel free to comment on any post. I'll do my best to respond to any questions as promptly as possible. And if I ever post anything that seems to contradict God's Word, I hope one of my readers will post a corrective comment immediately.

Grace and peace to you all from our Lord Jesus Christ.

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